
AP. 2 March 2003. Some 160,000 march to denounce U.S. policy on Iraq.

CASABLANCA -- About 160,000 Moroccans marched in the streets of
Casablanca on Sunday to protest an eventual war with Iraq and what
demonstrators called the "imperialist aggression" of the United States.

It was the biggest protest in the North African region since the start
of the crisis over Iraq last fall.

Sympathizers of Muslim fundamentalist parties, who helped organize the
demonstration, made up half the protesters, organizers said.

"This is a march so the Moroccan people can express their anger and
their refusal of the folly of the American administration," said Khalid
Sefiani, a member of the National Commission in Support of Iraq.

He claimed up to 2 million people took part in the demonstration, but
police put the number at about 160,000.

Protesters carried signs reading "Enough of War, America is the Enemy of
the People" and "Halt to Busherie," a play on words, using the name of
U.S. President George W. Bush and a French word that sounds like

The peaceful protest was largely good-humoured and showed no support for
Iraqi President Saddam Hussein. The crowd shouted slogans in favour of
the Iraqi and Palestinian people and against U.S. and Israeli policies.

 The demonstration was also a show of strength by Islamist groups ahead
of local elections in June.

Islamists of the Justice and Development Party, the third largest force
in parliament, marched beside militants of the more radical al-Adl wal
Ihsane group (Justice and Charity), which is banned from politics but
allowed to do charity and other work.

While many slogans had a religious tone, demonstrators chanted "Iraqis
are in our veins" and denounced Washington's drive to attack Iraq,
saying "Bush, butcher in Iraq."

Placards written in English said: "Bush war criminal," "Bush and Hitler
are the same" and "Life of children is more expensive than oil."

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