On 2012-10-19 15:19, Ed Cashin wrote:
> AoE use is accelerating rapidly, and iSCSI persists because even
> though it's not the best fit for same-LAN data storage, folks can
> still get it to work if they are willing and able to deal with the
> complexity, sacrifice the performance, and don't need the kind of
> scaling that virtualization and cloud deployments require.

I don't think it's a realistic view. I think AoE missed its window of 
opportunity and is now dying. As Tracy said, it's ridiculously easy to 
setup an iSCSI system. It's a pain to get the AoE target up to date in 
any distro, and the initiator, while working, is far from being a well 
behaving component.

I was never able to push AoE anywhere beside my projects. Blame me if 
you want, but most of the time free iSCSI was the obvious, variously 
documented, community supported, distro included, choice.


> Although a lot of the expansion of AoE use lately has been by users
> of the Coraid HBA, there are still a lot of first-time AoE users
> using the coraid.com-distributed Linux initiator and also the
> kernel.org-distributed initiator.  Recently there have been a lot of
> patches from Coraid to the Linux Kernel Mailing List for bringing the
> kernel.org-distributed driver up to date.  For example,
> http://thread.gmane.org/gmane.linux.kernel/1377362
> We also fixed a regression in the Linux kernel's network layer that
> affected AoE performance:
> http://thread.gmane.org/gmane.linux.network/243626
> I don't have much time to participate on the aoetools-discuss mailing
> list right now, partly so that I can keep generating those patches,
> but I think pessimism is especially inappropriate today, when the use
> of AoE is accelerating along with the development of its associated
> technologies, including open source technologies.

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