> Yes -- I think I recall Naviserver splitting because we weren't responsive at 
> Aol.  Made sense at the time -- there was just no justification for Aol to 
> support the project at the time. 
> Merging back makes sense.  I'm guessing it's easier to fix whatever is 
> perceived as not working with Naviserver and freeze Aolserver than the other 
> way around?  Just a guess.  I always liked the Naviserver name better 
> anyway...  

I'd vote for trying to get onboard the naviserver wagon, as 
a) they seem to have had a lot of innovation
b) their documentation has apparently come a long way
c) their handling of scalability, leaking and memory bloat is apparently 
further along than aolserver
d) their project name doesn't make people cringe.

Question: what does aolserver have that might need to be merged into naviserver?


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