On the old AOLserver, under modules, there is nssession. But I can't seem to get it. cvs seems not to be working:
[brad@repos ~]$ cvs -d :pserver:anonym...@cvs.panoptic.com:/home/cvs co -d nssession aolserver/nssession cvs [checkout aborted]: connect to [cvs.panoptic.com]:2401 failed: Protocol not available Does anyone have that module lying around that you could send along? Thanks -- ============================== BRAD CHICK ============================== b...@chickcentral.com 734.662.1701 (h) 734.646.9372 (m) "Make Some Time for Wasting!" _ | | ___| |__ ___ ___ _ __ ___ / __| '_ \ / _ \/ _ \ '__/ __| (__| | | | __/ __/ | \__ \ \___|_| |_|\___|\___|_| |___/ ================================ ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Slashdot TV. Video for Nerds. Stuff that matters. http://tv.slashdot.org/ _______________________________________________ aolserver-talk mailing list aolserver-talk@lists.sourceforge.net https://lists.sourceforge.net/lists/listinfo/aolserver-talk