-----Original Message-----
From: AOLserver Discussion [mailto:AOLSERVER@;LISTSERV.AOL.COM] On Behalf
Sent: Friday, November 08, 2002 12:29 AM
Subject: [AOLSERVER] Other languages (was: Project Update)

> I think Tcl (or, rather, "single language support")
> is one of the big things holding AOLserver back.

I thought the same thing two years ago. I'm now convinced Tcl was and is
still the right choice for the core scripting language, and believe it
should remain the core language. It simply wouldn't be AOLserver

But you are correct in that we need to support other languages. That
could be done with modules, and maybe some means of binding to internal
Tcl data structures at the C level could be found so that, say, a java
module can exchange data *directly* with Tcl internally -- maybe some
kind of "standard" binary format for data interchange (Binary XML?).
Maybe a capability that is similar to comm and db drivers -- a way to
write "language drivers" that register themselves with the core server.
That's definitely an area for exploration.

> I've recently been considering switching away from
> AOLserver ...

Hang in there...things are changing.


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