Bas Scheffers wrote:
Cool. Question still remains which is faster, cached .tcl pages or a heavy
master interpreter. Would be interesting to see. May have a play with that
over the next few weeks.

I played a bit with bytecode speed issues on AOLserver as well. Tested on 3.4.2 with 8.3.4.

First of all, only using and bytecompiling most of my
modules/tcl/,  I managed to get a 10% better performance using ab. This
needs to do more testing, since I guess it only matters if you start
enough threads.

Also, I figured out a solution that I am quite happy about. I host many
sites written for AOLserver in Tcl.

The solution I used was to write a command (for now Tcl, but it could be
rewritten to C :), for example 'ns_pkg load somepkg'. It checked if
somepkg is loaded, if so, if mtimes match (if something is modified,
directory's mtime is changed :), if they match, it does nothing.
Otherwise it loads the package (only in current interpreter).

It also counts bytes and has a limit of loaded packages - if the limit
is reached, some unused packages are removed. Removing means namespace
delete, since every package must be in a namespace.

The solution proved to be pretty good. It could use bytecode compiling
when it is loaded in >1 interpreter, but it works pretty quick without
it. The main problem is memory... It consumes a lot more than without it.

(written at Stardate 57153.3)

"Data typing is an illusion. Everything is a sequence of bytes."
                                                             -Todd Coram

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