On Thu, 27 Mar 2003, Ayan George wrote:

> I'm trying to register a procedure to handle:
>         http://www.foo.net/~user/
> type URLs.  I want to redirect the request to:
>         http://members.foo.net/user/
> I tried a couple of registerd procedures like:
>         ns_register_proc        -noinherit      GET     {/~*}   tilde_redirect
>         ns_register_proc        -noinherit      POST    {/~*}   tilde_redirect
> But the expression doesn't seem to match
> anything.  I'm sure there is something very
> simple I'm overlooking.
> Does anyone have any suggestions?

I suspect that using -noinherit options don't mix very well with
wildcard *. I belive that there is no simple solution other that

ns_register_proc            GET     {/~*}   tilde_redirect

but it does more than you probably want.

Maybe you should look at ns_register_dir module from Zjednoczenie.com
AOLserver 3.x distro from http://miniacs.zjednoczenie.com/download/nsdz6.tgz
It is based on example from older AOLserver docs which can be found here:


It supports general url -> directory mapping but also mappings /~user to
user home directory.

Module ns_register_dir, after enhancements, was finally renamed to
ns_url2file which I've described in my proposal sent to the list a few
weeks ago. It could be reached at:



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