Mac OS X also comes with uuidgen, which probably means the other BSDs
do as well. The code seems straightforward enough to turn it into a
loadable module.

I'm using a simple random sequence of characters as a session id for

    set chars
    set chars_len [string length $chars]
    set uid ""
    for { set i 0 } { $i < 64 } { incr i } {
        append uid [string index $chars [expr int($chars_len * rand())]]

I think I stole this from Dossy's nssession module; it should suffice
for uniquely identifying a session over a reasonable period of time. If
this isn't fast enough, you can always pre-generate a bunch of them and
stick them in an nsv.


On Mar 25, 2004, at 3:40 PM, Dave Bauer wrote:

Has anyone had the need to generate UUID/GUIDs as described here

One option is to use the uuidgen program that is installed on linux at
least. I am not sure that would always be available.

Are there any other options for AOLserver or Tcl?


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