On Wed, May 19, 2004 at 09:23:26PM -0400, Dossy wrote:


Dossy -

Thank you for your help.

> If you're doing your own request processing, and you're writing your
> stuff in C -- why are you using AOLserver?

I'm not being very clear about what I'm doing here.  Sorry.  I'm
trying to implement a loadable module (nsscgi.so) that talks the
SCGI interface.  There is an implementation of an SCGI server for
Quixote.  nsscgi.so would allow Quixote applications to run on top
of AOLserver.  If you are interested, you can learn more about SCGI


I'll also post a message about this to the "New project leader for
AOLserver" thread, where it might suggest one solution to the
desire, expressed on that thread, to be able to run other systems
on top of AOLserver.


Dave Kuhlman

AOLserver - http://www.aolserver.com/

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