Dossy wrote:

On 2004.05.21, Dave Kuhlman <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

If you're doing your own request processing, and you're writing your
stuff in C -- why are you using AOLserver?

I'm not being very clear about what I'm doing here. Sorry. I'm trying to implement a loadable module ( that talks the SCGI interface. [...]


It looks like Quixote supports FastCGI too.  Have you tried running it
under AOLServer using the CGI-FastCGI bridge in the FastCGI SDK?

It's low-tech, pretty easy to configure,  and I think it does exactly
what you want -- brokering communications between an out-of-process
persistent interpreter and a web server w/o native support for said

I haven't tried it in AOLServer (just IIS/,  but it's the kind
of thing PHP types have to resort to when they run on IIS.  Perhaps it
will work for your p(hp|ython|erl) needs.

John Sequeira

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