On Jun 28, 2005, at 11:01 AM, Dossy Shiobara wrote:

On 2005.06.28, Bas Scheffers <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

I have never use ns_cache before, but it seems to me there is no
way to
store something in the cache from Tcl, is that the case? Would it be
possible to implement?

See the stand-alone nscache module.  I have NO idea why this isn't
of the AOLserver core ... unless folks really object, I think we
fold the nscache module in.

Agreed -- I'll add it in.  In particular, "ns_cache eval" is smart.

I was thinking that because each item has a timeout, this could be a
perfect mechanism to implement sessions in AOLserver. Just have a
named "sessions" and each session is one entry as ns_set. On every
request, just reset the timeout. Or is that a crazy idea?

Not crazy at all.  I think of nscache as a specialized NSV that has an
upper bound to either size or age.

Smart idea.

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