In testing AOLserver 4.0.10, we seem to have discovered that the -b command-line parameter is now required to bind to privileged ports (e.g. 80 or 443). With AOLserver 3.4.2, you could simply specify the port numbers in the config file and AOLserver would do the Right Thing.

So two questions:

1) Is it true that AOLserver 4.0.10 requires -b in this circumstance, or are we just missing something?

2) If it is true, what was the impetus for this change, and could the AOLserver 3.4.2 behavior be restored? It's very inconvenient (and doesn't make much sense) to have to duplicate configuration information in the ini file and on the command line. In our environment, it's going to lead to a good bit of hassle to code around this, since a common web server-starting script that used to only have to know the location of the ini file for each service is now going to have to somehow keep information on all IP/port requirements for every service that it knows how to start (or try to parse that information out of the ini file, which seems like a hopeless task).

- John

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