Op Wed, 6 Sep 2006, schreef Dossy Shiobara:

> > Linus's rant really rubbed me the wrong way.  I thought "considered 
> > harmful" essays went out of vogue a few decades ago.  If you'd rather 
> > not use a particular tool fine, but don't imply that people who choose 
> > to use it are somehow inferior.
> I think Linus's rant was on-the-mark: if you feel the need for the
> debugger, you're acknowledging a lack of sufficient understanding.
> Linus's argument, as I understand it, says that "yes, a debugger is one
> way of increasing your understanding, but not the best way, and
> definitely not a way I personally intend to support in the Linux
> kernel."

Ok, who here in this mailinglist doesn't use ns_log debugging? My pages 
are always full of ns_log statements, and there is a tail running in 
another window to be able to immedeately see the results.

Sure, it works, but a good debugger can make this laborious task of 
manually adding ns_log commands totally obsolete. It is just the same as 
all other kinds of automation and has nothing to do with
"lack of sufficient understanding".


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