On Wed, Mar 05, 2008 at 11:42:38AM -0800, Jeff Rogers wrote:
> The authUser field of a conn is logged by nslog and can be read with 
> ns_conn authuser but is only set in the driver from basic 
> authentication.  Does anyone (other than me) think there would be value 
> in allowing the conn username to be updated, i.e., by a new 'ns_conn 
> setauthuser' subommand?

I didn't know any such feature exists at all.  Since it does, sure,
broadening that support sounds reasonable.

> The primary benefit would be to let you log usernames with requests
> in your access log when your authentication method is something
> other than http basic.

You can already log arbitrary additional information to the access log
right now.  I log the OpenACS user_id to the access log on every
request, using the 'ns_param ExtendedHeaders X-User-Tracking' method
Vadim Nasardinov figured out back in 2001

What I'd really like, so some way to include the same user_id info in
the server/error log!  Or even better, some simple way to exactly
match up each hit in the access log with all the actions it triggered
in the server log.

Andrew Piskorski <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>

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