Is anything registered to handle the PROPFIND method? I'm just guessing
that could be part of the problem. Also, does /500.html exist?

Do you have any other debugging turned on? What other handlers do you
have setup?

tom jackson

On Wed, 2008-07-09 at 19:15 -0700, William Scott Jordan wrote:
> Hey all!
> I've recently added a custom server error message using a redirect in 
> AOLserver's config file.  Since then, I've been occasionally seeing the 
> following error in the logs:
> [09/Jul/2008:18:04:08][30505.1690512][-conn:1-] Error: return: failed to 
> redirect 'PROPFIND /500.html': exceeded recursion limit of 3
> There will be several thousand of those entries in a row, followed by a 
> server crash.  I don't see anything in the logs to indicate what may 
> have initiated the error in the first place.  And the entries continue 
> even after the server reboots.
> At first, I thought there might be an error in the server error page 
> itself, so I switched it from being a dynamically generated page to 
> being a static HTML file, which goes through no filtering, but that 
> didn't solve the problem.
> Does anyone have any thoughts on what might be going on?
> Thanks!
> -Scott
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