Dossy Shiobara wrote:

However, to let it continue to spin over and over is unproductive.
I'd love to hear other solutions other than configurabe cache key
strategies or a time-based delay caching strategy, but the time to
debate whether this is a defect or not is officially over: it is a
defect. Let's find the right technical solution to make fastpath more
robust, please.

The solutions I've seen proposed are

* configurable cache key
+ solves the problem for the most common and surprising case
- does not solve the OP's problem
? what to make the default?

* time-delay
+ solves OP's problem
- still easily broken

* flush files from cache with ns_unlink
- easily defeated (by using different command to remove files)
- links mostly unrelated commands

* exclude some paths from caching (e.g., don't cache if the file is outside of pageroot, or is in some configured list of non-cached directories, like /tmp)
+ keeps temporary files from taking up cache memory
- still easily broken
- developer needs to know to use excluded paths

* add a -nocache flag to ns_returnfile (or add a new command like ns_returntmpfile) to indicate that the file shouldn't be cached
+ makes intent clearer
+ keeps temp files out of cache
- bloats api
- doesn't fix existing cases

* change fastpath default to off to be turned on only when desired and understood
+ simple, effective
- default performance hit

* use system-provided change notifications to flush cache (e.g., inotify)
+ effective, efficient
- non-portable

Did I leave any out?


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