Synopsis: N/a

State-Changed-From-To: open-closed
State-Changed-By: marc
State-Changed-When: Thu May  7 09:49:02 PDT 1998
As Dean said, this really isn't practical with the whole
structure of the current database.  Even if it was, we
really don't have the manpower to indicate in the PR
what versions are impacted.  Normally the reporter has no
idea, and they can be in various versions and fixed at
various times before or after they are reported.  The
CHANGES file of the most recent release is probably the
best place to find things that were changed between
releases, but it doesn't include everything.  Not all
bugs that are fixed are in the bug database either.
Synopsis-Changed-From: N/a
Synopsis-Changed-To: searching bugdb by platform
Synopsis-Changed-By: marc
Synopsis-Changed-When: Thu May  7 09:49:02 PDT 1998

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