Tino Didriksen <tino.didrik...@gmail.com> wrote:
> To allow for Techievena's weights, a new breaking binary format was needed
> for lttoolbox. I've now implemented something that should be fairly
> future-proof - if we're going to break it, might as well break it in a way
> that won't bite us later.
> [...]
> This means we can add features, fluff, and versioning to the binary format
> later with less pain.
> Anyone got any bikeshedding for the format break?

Seems perfect, actually what I intended HFST format to be like as well
but we didn't quite get there. 

Doktor Tommi A Pirinen, Computational Linguist,
<https://flammie.github.io/purplemonkeydishwasher/>, Universität
Hamburg, Hamburger Zentrum für Sprachkorpora <http://hzsk.de>. CLARIN-D
Entwickler.  President of ACL SIGUR SIG for Uralic languages
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