Maybe I can do it myself, then. 2to3 did most of it, but I just gave up
when the result didn't work immediately.

I would absolutely say they belong in apertium's apertium-dev subpackage.
The scripts may be written in Python, but they don't rely on the
apertium-python API - they could be written in any language. Hence why they
must also be installed without the .py suffix.

I would move them into apertium first, make sure they get installed and
work, then adjust the languages.

Centralization also applies to and any other helper script that
gets used across multiple languages/pairs.

-- Tino Didriksen

On Thu, 12 Sep 2019 at 06:49, Xavi Ivars <> wrote:

> I won't be able to do anything before September 20th (on vacation, without
> computer around).
> Once I get there, I'll change the scripts. Not sure how to do it so they
> "become" part of the apertium package, so I'll try to do out in multiple
> steps: first convert to python3 and then, move out.
> Would it be better to create a python package to contain these type of
> scripts, instead of bundling everything into apertium?
> --
> Xavi Ivars
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