7 apr 2020, Ç.a. tarixində 05:44 tarixində Tino Didriksen <
m...@tinodidriksen.com> yazdı:

> Well, that makes sense from a security point of view. And that is a good
> reason to revive the native port, which I talked about on IRC but never
> wrote about to the mailing list.
> IRC logs:
> https://tinodidriksen.com/pisg/freenode/logs/%23apertium/search.php?q=TinoDidriksen+Android
> On 2015-11-25, I started seriously looking into getting all the C++ tools
> running natively on Android. Two weeks later (2015-12-07), everything
> worked - I had the Simpleton UI running on Android, with the native tools
> run as-is in the well-known pipes, with data files compiled on Debian.

Hmm, did you commit your work on this somewhere?


> At the time, I did not go further with it. There were some random crashes
> due to memory corruption bugs, which I think have all been ironed out by
> now.
> So what we need is an app that ships with the released binaries and
> downloads language data from us ( https://apertium.projectjj.com/pkgs.php
> ).
> -- Tino Didriksen
> On Tue, 7 Apr 2020 at 10:57, Jacob Nordfalk <jacob.nordf...@gmail.com>
> wrote:
>> Hi there,
>> It seems that, for security reasons, its not permitted anymore for apps
>> to download executable code from unknown sources and execute it.
>> So, Apertium_Android <http://wiki.apertium.org/wiki/Apertium_Android> is
>> currently unavialable
>> https://play.google.com/store/apps/details?id=org.apertium.android
>> Same goes for Mikel Artetxe's Mitzuli version
>> https://play.google.com/store/apps/details?id=com.mitzuli
>> They are both using Lttoolbox-java
>> <http://wiki.apertium.org/wiki/Lttoolbox-java>.
>> Google probably found out as we use .jar file format (which is
>> essentially a ZIP file) as distribution mechanism (see
>> Language_pair_packages
>> <http://wiki.apertium.org/wiki/Language_pair_packages>) - here is an
>> example
>> <https://svn.code.sf.net/p/apertium/svn/builds/apertium-eo-en/apertium-eo-en.jar>
>> .
>> While I totally agree with the principle of not downloading code from
>> unknown sources, I recon that this is essentially what the
>> Bytecode_for_transfer
>> <http://wiki.apertium.org/wiki/Bytecode_for_transfer> - is:  Java
>> bytecode representing the transfer stage downloaded and executed with no
>> security measures.
>> I can see the following options:
>> 1) Change the distribution mechanism to be via Google Play
>> 2) Distribute the transfer files as XML and generate the bytecode
>> on-device
>> 3) Give up on bytecode for tranfer (transfer will be much slower)
>> 4) Try to make C++ version of lttoolbox, apertium (CG, HFS,...) usable in
>> Android
>> 5) Give up on offline functionality
>> While 3) was really terribly slowing transfer down 10 years ago, our
>> computers have got faster. And most pairs are using constraint
>> grammar which is also very slow, compared to the rest of the pipeline, so
>> it might not be an issue anymore.
>> I like 2) the most - moving the transfer compilation to the device
>> wouldnt be that hard, and I'd be happy to take part of it.
>> But the community was never very positive to the idea of Java/cross
>> platform, and Im not very active anymore, so perhaps 4) or 5) would be best.
>> What do you think?
>> Yours,
>> Jacob
>> ---------- Forwarded message ---------
>> Fra: Google Play Support <no-reply-googleplay-develo...@google.com>
>> Date: tor. 26. mar. 2020 kl. 12.49
>> Subject: Notification from Google Play about Apertium offline translator
>> To: <jacob.nordf...@gmail.com>
>> Cc: <jacob.nordf...@gmail.com>
>> Hi Developers at Jacob Nordfalk,
>> After a recent review, Apertium offline translator, org.apertium.android,
>> has been removed from Google Play due to a policy violation. This app won’t
>> be available to users until you submit a compliant update.
>> *Issue: Violation of Malicious Behavior policy*
>> An app distributed via Google Play may not modify, replace, or update
>> itself using any method other than Google Play's update mechanism.
>> Likewise, an app may not download executable code (e.g. dex, JAR, .so
>> files) from a source other than Google Play.
>> *Next steps: Submit your updated app for another review*
>>    1. Read through the Malicious Behavior
>> <https://www.google.com/appserve/mkt/p/AMJ1musJKr8qkMQakDDQcP85Ci30Th_7hJC34WsK2Gdcj4f-KbpeccyeErPwHguYvtDp63WELMB5k5HZMMCySYstp9rFX8BMfktKghIYcDkgvhBozFMUroqRsjvL5hNxMA6CV4lunQ>
>>    policy for more details.
>>    2. Make changes to bring your app into compliance.
>>    3. Make sure that your app is compliant with all other Developer
>>    Program Policies
>> <https://www.google.com/appserve/mkt/p/AMJ1mutzZL69jSgYNey4hex2X3HD4hMEJKguGicoYy08auSz6n1DVAH9YG-_22nzNmsO6gazq7a2TG88FLbFsB3I0fNWLqVxk92FDS4LmwP4kQnlldtk1udf9VG6Dqgz>.
>>    Additional enforcement could occur if there are further policy violations.
>>    4. Sign in to your Play Console
>> <https://www.google.com/appserve/mkt/p/AMJ1muvx6ujxOuQ7_cAP1tltq6YzgCj5E3BtjfgXD4Mus1cx6mVL22NS_i2n4MzbdbW_jwcyjShpYOK8lFS_qEC3KxOweo0tJQ>
>>    and submit the policy compliant update.
>> You may also be interested in exploring Dynamic Delivery
>> <https://www.google.com/appserve/mkt/p/AMJ1mute3oPIh_9GS4yOYSgipgMFxkWDaGTJCjH061wskPVXSGOGvJRrSEZ2y-0fvgyZEz7D5Yqco0upDfQ8Ig4ax_7ezY19BzvFWkdLGGc2DrISwNtbu2dGJMqK>
>> as an alternative implementation.
>> If approved, your app will again be available with all installs, ratings,
>> and reviews intact.
>> If you’ve reviewed the policy and feel this decision may have been in
>> error, please reach out to our policy support team
>> <https://www.google.com/appserve/mkt/p/AMJ1mutEUzx4qAR8EYpzTyoWLfOhZFtbpmFZFQlu400WKR5iaAJrwdv_kJg0h-AntjCshx0I8Q3vwJk8iReGNCC7Qdbd3FdQlrgolB-QWesSfDBvvRG3hlmr9FRnCkM3fWbzIQcwB0w-qNR0wQ-NG5TJ90bdZ9yzoptmq23JsZe224OaE8GRj9EPdO3fL3nNFyS2p9KasMsLyJXqFevdcvwtrsfbASpzwZMu4B2PXQg6FGCosFU2beUAeWYCi0j4BNGsb8bdl-nBN1U>.
>> We’ll get back to you within 2 business days.
>> Please help us improve the developer experience by completing this two
>> question survey
>> <https://www.google.com/appserve/mkt/p/AMJ1muv5MM8tBYHJaXG840897eGG7cMYJRA7xr_ksR9QjdkFp1hNWFSr2eyLBYSdsVqQycz-CooPRnCsZBPM9s3UxihjsE6U089lNGBrFHpnb_30elOXtNxBeR3cFk601t-yNplhCEBW9sDFdgM1afDZkB7voYKH_3jk1Mf_zUju2Oguo_zyF9Nkj3wJ3XNHY8gk9IrVkSkBmzSgZmnFBCI>
>> .
>> Regards,
>> The Google Play Team
>> --
>> Jacob Nordfalk <http://profiles.google.com/jacob.nordfalk>
>> Androidudvikler og -underviser på DTU
>> <http://www.dtu.dk/service/telefonbog/person?id=78778&tab=7#tabs>
>> Tlf 26206512 - javabog.dk
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