
Thanks for comments. I'll have a look at the *Tags enums. But I guess it will be a bit inconvenient for me to work on my github fork and you working on svn trunk ...

I would suggest this: let me finish my rudimentary implementation. Now I have to speed things up a bit, so it probably won't take longer than a week or two. I'm using VLV and schema in my LDAP connector for midPoint. I'm also working on automated tests that will use midPoint+connector+directory API with OpenLDAP and 389ds (I already have tests for OpenDJ). Once I have that then I will create a pull request so it can get to the directory API project trunk. The code will probably be a bit ugly ... but once it is in trunk you are free to clean it up. And as I will have the tests I can check that it still works after your cleanup ...

I was thinking about how to make unit tests for this directly in the directory API project. Simple tests for VLV controls parse and encode will be probably a good idea. But this is not really enough to make sure that the whole thing really works. Do you have any kind of test suite for directory API that is using real LDAP servers?


                                           Radovan Semancik
                                          Software Architect

On 03/05/2015 07:08 PM, Emmanuel Lécharny wrote:
We declare the tags in a XXXTags file, like in :

public enum PasswordPolicyTags
     PPOLICY_WARNING_TAG(0xA0), // warning [0]
     PPOLICY_ERROR_TAG(0x81), // error [1]
     TIME_BEFORE_EXPIRATION_TAG(0x80), // timeBeforeExpiration [0]
     GRACE_AUTHNS_REMAINING_TAG(0x81); // graceAuthNsRemaining [1]

One thing that is missing is the choice between byteOffset and an
assertionValue : we should have a flag in the impl to determinate which
of the two is in use.

the contextID might be empty, and might be absent from the PDU. Those
are 2 different use cases. We should cover both.

The VLV control will probably be put into the codec-extras module.

I'll check that tonite !

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