Thanks for the quick response. It does. Do you put it in the mail quickly?
That should go cheaply in several days in transit, no?





From: []
On Behalf Of
Sent: Sunday, February 22, 2009 11:03 AM
To: Apple-Crop
Subject: Re: Apple-Crop: Pruning established open-center apple trees




I don't know if you were looking to purchase a video, but I do have a video
by Gary Moulton that is one of the best I have seen on all aspects of
pruning, including the pruning of open center trees.  It's available on my
blog at
<> .  I hope this helps!


Dennis Norton
Royal Oak Farm Orchard
Office (815) 648-4467
Mobile (815) 228-2174
Fax (609) 228-2174

----- Original Message ----- 

From: Steven <>  R. Kanner, MD 


Sent: Sunday, February 22, 2009 9:15 AM

Subject: Apple-Crop: Pruning established open-center apple trees


I have a small 3-acre orchard, half of which are long-established red spy
and McIntosh, which I have rehabbed reasonably well over the past 6 years.


I could use advice on pruning the larger open-center trees, especially what
to do on the top scaffold limbs. How many of the suckers to eliminate, how
to stop telephone-pole development and so forth.


There is an excellent peach-pruning video on the UMass Fruit Advisor which
greatly clarifies the strategy for pruning peach trees. There is also a good
one on central leader apples on short root-stock.


Can someone point me to a comparable video, or clear written advice, to deal
with the pruning strategy for the heirloom open-center trees, especially the
top level of the canopy? Thanks.





Steven R. Kanner, MD

12 Bypass Road

Lincoln, MA 01773


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