Hello All;

There is so MUCH new great stuff in this version that it's difficult to try
it all. I think it is VERY stable although I haven't spent much time online
with it yet so I can't say it is bulletproof yet. But, NO CRASHES here !

I've had a chance to try most of the new goodies in this new version and I
must say the .BMP generators are GREAT !

Although I don't quite understand what is happening with cntrlP, PrintScreen
is terrific - and it works without needing virtual screens. It makes beautiful
fullscreen shots including your personal frame setup.   Very useful.
I have emailed a screenshot to a couple of friends. <g>

The cntrlP function does require virtual screens and I found it would not work
with the smallest setting of 1000 lines or pixels. That might have been due to
the screen I tried to shoot.  2000 and 5000 line virtual screens work fine.

But I don't know where the screenshot is supposed to go ! 
You get the choice to send BMP by email or export BMP.
So I pick export BMP.
Then you get the dialog boxes:
Copy or View file, Send file by email, and Upload file by FTP.
So I pick copy file I guess, but the default filename is: 
That seems a bit strange for a default even if you are expected to edit it.
Anyway, I took the above default and hit "COPY" for the heck of it.

I got NO IDEA where it went. I can't find it.  Just like Windows !!

I tried again and edited it to C:\ARACHNE\DOWNLOAD\export.bmp.
This file was created but had zero bytes in it. :-((

Later, I did find that the file _4prt.bmp which had been 308,278 bytes was
now 721,718 bytes, so I took a look at it and it was the original copy of
the virtual screen I had been trying to save. <g>

Very nice too. This mode saves only the content - not your frame.
It certainly is a major step towards giving us a graphic hardcopy function.

BTW, this file _4prt.bmp is left in the Arachne ROOT directory.


I also checked the Xswap debug hotkey. [?]
Works fine for me - I found the display to be almost incomprehensible until
I read Xswap.txt and found out it was my Xmas present.<G> Thanks, Michael !!

I see now that Michael has changed his swapping strategy to allow for many
buffers of various sizes having context specifications. I had suggested he
needed BIGGER buffers.  He countered that he wanted SMALLER buffers. <g>

This is probably a very good way to get the best of both worlds.
And it should help a great deal in memory clean up and swap. 
Great idea Michael !


I love the new URL entry box you get in fullscreen mode. 
In fact, I am getting to like fullscreen mode a LOT.
It is SUPER for reading email. Just leave your cursor over the TRASH button.

Michael, I just wish the fullscreen mode could be made to STICK.
If there ever comes a time when scroll bars are no longer required - like the
Adobe "grab and move" function, fullscreen will certainly be the way to go.


Really, I think this version was well worth waiting for. You have to expect a
few "snags" when the changes have been so major. Beating Netscape2.02 for load
time is a major accomplishment.  There was only one graphical browser in the
world faster than NS2.02 and that was NS1.1.
Great work.

Now to try it online and see if it has enough TEFLON to withstand the "java" 

 -  Clarence Verge
-  Help stamp out FATWARE.  As a start visit: http://home.arachne.cz/

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