Kali McLaughlin wrote:
> *** I cant get arachne to recognise any of the EGA card/screen combinations
> that I have. This is a shame as I actually run Windows just for the
> Hercules drivers that you can get. I dont have mains power, and a colour
> screen uses more power than the 486 DX33 box I am using.

Welcome Kali, you Hercules using nut case ! <G>
There are very few of us left. You don't have to excuse yourself with the
power consumption explanation - monochrome is really beautiful if you are
lucky enough to have a white screen and are viewing material that isn't
something stupid like red on green.<g>  And the time to load a monochrome
screen is a small fraction of that required for color if you can get some
monochrome drivers.

I use an ATI VGAwonder XL card that supports VGA, EGA and HERCULES.
This card will convert EGA to HERCULES and gives me a decent grayscale
without the dithering that Windows uses. This card/monitor combo gives
a really decent display with Arachne.  I just selected EGA in setup.
What card(s) are you using and which Windows drivers ?

> *** Path statemnets!!!! I have a Vdisk provided by DRDOS which seems fine
> and the TEMP directory loads some pages instantly but mail reading
>  is painful. I can get around this by reading and editing the .cnn and .tbs
> in a DOS editor. I have tried running the whole of Arachne on a V disk but
>  it wont find its mailboxes. I would have expected that absolute
> addresses listed in PREFERENCES would have worked.

The usual problem here is a lack of a SET TEMP=X:\path\TEMP in your 
autoexec. And also, that TEMP dir must pre-exist.

Another possibility is that you have left the MAIL directory spec in its'
default condition. This hardly ever works.  You will need to use a text
editor and FULLY specify the mail path in Arachne.cfg.
I usually use Arachne on a ramdisk with MAIL and DOWNLOAD left on the HD
and Arachne finds the directories fine as long as they are fully specified.

Finally, if TEMP is on the ramdisk, you should make Cache2TEMP Yes in
arachne.cfg but this wouldn't stop the mail from working.

> *** The mouseless operation is infuriatingly unreliable with no
>  selections alowed below about thalf the page!
> I have found that "mouse highlight" is great for revealing the problem,
>  and that  loading the mouse driver, even if there is no mouse, fixes
> the problem.  Good!

I also hate to use a mouse. That problem has been fixed I'm told.
> One great improvement I have found in the 1.6 version is that the
> keymatic rate is about five times faster, so you can actually use
> the arrow keys as a sort of mouse.

It is simple to speed up the typomatic rate and reduce the initial delay
by running a couple of programs once in your autoexec. Fastkey and Quick
can make the cursor fly from side to side in less than a second if you so
desire. I will send them upon request.
> Enough for now!

-  Clarence Verge
-  Help stamp out FATWARE.  As a start visit: http://home.arachne.cz/

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