On Sat, 20 May 2000 00:25:51 -0400, L.D. Best wrote:

> Why on earth can't Arachne handle the fact that DNS sometimes changes a
> URL to include a port designation?  And isn't 80 the normal port one
> would expect for a top webpage?

> Places I want to go I can't get to ... not because of DNS problems but
> because Arachne absolutely refuses to even contact DNS if port 80 is
> part of the URL alphanumeric code. :<

 Have a closer look at your URL line when this happens.
Unless I miss my guess, you'll see one of the following...

|_notice the space before "http"

 The last is as a result of a tag like this....
<a href=" http://sitename/">

That space in the tag is what's messing it up.

 Until Michael can find a solution to this problem, the work-around is
easy.... delete the space.<vbg>

 I have also found this to be the cause of some "red boxes" where
images should be displayed.
<img src=" http://sitname/imagename.jpg">

 That space prevents Arachne from finding the correct URL for the image.
The same type of work-around can be used for this one.
1) right click on the "red box"
2) if you get the "Unknown protocol" message and there is
   a space at the beginning of the URL, go back and use F4
   to edit the page and delete that space from the URL of the image.

 While on this subject, I might as well mention another "red box" cause.
http://sitename/index.html with an image tag such as this:
<img src="../imagename.jpg">

If we right click on the red box...... "Bad request" will result.
"../" is an attempt to access a directory below root.
(this is impossible)<g>

The same goes for this one...
http://sitename/pagename/default.asp with an image tag such as this:
<img src="../../imagename.jpg">

 Again, this is an attempt to access a non-existent directory.
The first ../ takes us to http://pagename/  and the second one takes
us to http://

 To simulate this at your own Dos command prompt:

Caldera OpenDOS 7.01
Copyright (c) 1976, 1997 Caldera, Inc.
All rights reserved.


Type EXIT to return to Arachne
L:\ARACHNE>cd ..

Type EXIT to return to Arachne
L:\>cd ..
Invalid directory specified

Type EXIT to return to Arachne
L:\>cd arachne

Type EXIT to return to Arachne

Glenn McCorkle [EMAIL PROTECTED] North Jackson, Ohio, USA
DOS prog. for QV cameras http://www.angelfire.com/id/glenndoom/qvplay.html
Other stuff http:[EMAIL PROTECTED]/
            Arachne, The Web Browser for DOS
   Open the 'DOOR' to the WWW. Keep the 'windows' closed.
      http://arachne.browser.org/ http://arachne.cz/

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