On Mon, 7 Aug 2000 21:43:24 +0800
Joerg Bartels <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> said:

>I found that I could mount my cdrom with
>mount /dev/hdb /cdrom (cdrom is not in the
>kernel?) with BasicLinux. I know that is only
>newbie hacking (is there a better way?) but
>it works for me. So I think may be I could
>get an old hd make a Linux partition to at
>some flesh to the BasicLinux bones (Swap,modules,
>progs, etc.). Is it only newbie thinking or 
>could it work?

That newbie thinking is exactly right, Joerg:
In principle, there's no difference between mounting
a HDD and a CD - your CD is called hdb because
it is the 2nd HD on the primary IDE cable. It would be
called hdc if you moved it to the secondary cable.

I dunno about Basic linux, but HDD based versions hold
all the settings in a file called /etc/fstab, which is a plain text
file (thought always back it up before editing as incorrect
changes can make your linux partitions *difficult* to reach!)
This file is read at boot to let linux know which partitions are
accessible to it - and can include your DOS drives, which
should be mounted read-only until you're happy with the 

If you're going down this path, try partition magic (quarterdeck)
It's a graphical prog running from DOS which avoids the errors
text-based fdisk tools can result in!

I used v4.0, which has support for linux (ext2), linux swap
(recommended for HDD based installs), Fat 16/32, OS/2 and 
ISO9660 (CDROM)  file systems. It is also distributed in stripped down form
with Caldera Openlinux, allowing 1 partition + swap - probably 
ideal for you at this stage.

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