On 19 Aug 00 at 1:27, Neil Smith wrote:

>>>Neil's been dumpster diving!
>>Totally right - all you could see were a pair of feet sticking out. In the
>>closest my employers come to something like christmas, they threw out all
>>their last *working* 486-286 boxes after offering the better ones to staff.
>>I managed to fish out a stack of 4Mb simms, hard drives (80meg upwards -
>>wooooh), modems, network cards....and 3 industrial epson printers one with
>>A4 auto sheet feed! Not bad for a half hour of skip-fishing. Then it started
>>raining...weeeell thats the UK for you.

My diving today yielded an EPOCH 3Dpro AGP video card and a Cyrix MII-
300GP processor w/heatsink and fan. I don't hold out much hope for 
the Cyrix chip, as it has enough value to it that I can hardly think 
that it was functional. I need to find a friend with a PC with an AGP 
slot to check out this card and another AGP card that was a dumpster 
treasure. I hope the EPOCH card works as it has TV output jacks (RCA 
and MiniDIN). I'd kill for a good rain here. We have had hardly any 
since early July or late June. It was a scorching 106 deg Fahrenheit 
(sorry, can't do the metric conversion on the fly) thursday. Only 
good thing, I am not mowing the lawn for several weeks. Am I far 
enough off topic? ;)

Dale Mentzer

Logic: The art of being wrong with confidence.

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