I am not an Operamail user, never was, but will be curious to browse

Presumably Operamail works with Opera web browser?

If anybody wants to fill their own Operamail inbox and just let it sit for 149
days, they can browse about.com and subscribe to a few free newsletters, or
ZDNet might also work.  That would provide a gradual flood.  Then blame the
filling of the inbox on Operamail for making their interface so nasty.

MailAndNews.com service was discontinued at the end of last Feb 28, EST.  Web
interface became tricky, I tried to send one message to Sam Heywood, but it
turned out blank.  But POP3 access remained alive until the end.

An extra email account is useful for debugging purposes when you're testing new
software such as Linux fetchmail or emailSMTP.  Better to test on something you
can afford to mess up than risk losing a bunch of good mail.

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