----- Original Message -----
From: "Bastiaan Edelman, PA3FFZ" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Sent: Friday, December 27, 2002 8:41 PM
Subject: Re: Two or more OS's
> Futhermore newer Win versions like XP do not support DOS so double
> booting with DOS GUI is not possible because there is no DOS in WinXP.
> So... how would anyone with a factory installed WinXP or something like
> that run Arachne?

When a disk is partitioned e.g. with fdisk, a Master Boot Record (MBR) is
written to the disk. The MBR contains a pointer to tell the BIOS where to
find an operating system to boot. What a Boot Manager program does is to
change this to point to a bit of code which asks the user to chose which
partition/disk to boot from.

I have used Ranish (which is a free Partition Manager which comes with a
couple of Boot Manager program options) to allow booting of either DOS,
Win98 or WinNT on a single disk. I guess it could be made to work for WinXP
but suggest you take advice before trying.
One of the Ranish Boot Managers is small, the code fits within the MBR. The
other option which I haven't used needs an additional small partition to
hold the code

BTW Ranish Partition Manager can be used to copy whole partitions or whole
disks. I do this for disk to disk backup.


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