Hi Glenn, Hi all,

On Mon, 23 Dec 2002 19:42:29 -0500, Glenn McCorkle wrote:

>  mov si,sp;
>  int 0x25;
>  cli;mov sp,si;sti;
>  pushf;
>  lea si,boot;add si,0x1f0;sub al,al;
>  popf;jc q;

> Now..... how do we re-write ths section of drvtypes.cpp so that
> we CAN look for stacker drives WITHOUT locking-up the machine ????

I suuggest just a small change:

  push bp;                // I didn't test whether MS-DOS 7.10 trashes bp...
  int 0x25;               // read logical sector
  pop si;                 // throw away the flags saved by INT
  pop bp;                 // bp points to the local variables on the stack
  lea si, [boot + 0x1f0]; // this doesn't modify any flags
  sub al, al;             // al = 0
  jc q;                   // an error occured during int 0x25

I haven't tested the above code yet, but it should work.



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