Thank you, thank you, thank you !!!!

It works PERFECTLY !!!

Everyone with the W9x 'your computer' lockup problem grab the
fixed version of wwwman.exe and run it through the paces.

On Mon, 30 Dec 2002 15:41:09 +0100, Michal H. Tyc wrote:

> Hi Glenn, Hi all,

> On Mon, 23 Dec 2002 19:42:29 -0500, Glenn McCorkle wrote:

>>  mov si,sp;
>>  int 0x25;
>>  cli;mov sp,si;sti;
>>  pushf;
>>  lea si,boot;add si,0x1f0;sub al,al;
>>  popf;jc q;

>> Now..... how do we re-write this section of drvtypes.cpp so that
>> we CAN look for stacker drives WITHOUT locking-up the machine ????

> I suggest just a small change:

> push bp;                // I didn't test whether MS-DOS 7.10 trashes bp...
> int 0x25;               // read logical sector
> pop si;                 // throw away the flags saved by INT
> pop bp;                 // bp points to the local variables on the stack
> lea si, [boot + 0x1f0]; // this doesn't modify any flags
> sub al, al;             // al = 0
> jc q;                   // an error occured during int 0x25

> I haven't tested the above code yet, but it should work.

> Greetings,

> Michal


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