On Fri, 17 Jan 2003, Richard Menedetter wrote:

<massive snippage>

> US Constitution doesn't even contain the MOST *BASIC* human rights ...
> as in the UN human rights charta ...

  The UN Declaration of Human Rights only recognizes human 
rights "given" by law.  The Bill of Rights recognizes 
inherent rights.  

  I wish you would read both documents, and understand the 
difference between rights given by a State, and rights 
already owned simply by virtue of birth.

  Both, however, are simply pieces of paper.  All ten of the 
Bill of Rights have been violated in this country, as have 
all the declarations in the UN paper been violated.  A piece 
of paper ultimately contains only as much power as someone 
is willing to pay for, whether it be with blood, sweat, 
compromise (or yes, even money or deceit).

  Yes, the US government has ignored its own Constitution 
many times... as has every government on Earth ignored its 
own written law.  All governments are evil.  That is 
axiomatic.  Therefore, creating an even larger, more remote, 
less accountable world government will not change a thing, 
except to enable it to be even more daring in its various 
abuses of power.

  Governmental power can only exist at the expense of 
individual rights.  There's no way around it.

... and I now bow out of any further political discourse.

Steve Ackman
http://twoloonscoffee.com       (Need green beans?)
http://twovoyagers.com          (glass, linux & other stuff)

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