Thanks for a hint!

We have wrote small service faced to calculate facets.
It split my huge AQL provided above into 5 queries:

   - main - to filter, sort and retrieve matching entities:
      LET docs = (FOR a IN Asset
       FILTER like 'test-asset-%'
      RETURN a)
      RETURN {
       counts: (RETURN {
         total: LENGTH(docs),
         offset: 0,
         to: 5
       items: (FOR a IN docs LIMIT 0, 5 RETURN a)
      - 4 small ones to purely calculate facets:
      LET docs = (FOR a IN Asset
       FILTER like 'test-asset-%'
      RETURN a)
      LET attributeX = (
      FOR a in docs
       COLLECT attr = a.attributeX WITH COUNT INTO length
      RETURN { value: attr, count: length}
      RETURN {
       counts: (RETURN {
         total: LENGTH(docs),
         offset: 0,
         to: -1,
         facets: {
           attributeX: {
             from: 0,
             to: 1000,
             total: LENGTH(attributeX)
       facets: {
         attributeX: (FOR a in attributeX LIMIT 0, 1000 return a)
We run these using Java's 8 Fork/Join and basically execute Map(split into 
sub-queries)/Reduce(merge results) potentially against ArangoDB cluster.
We run custom ArangoDB build from Jan's feature branch. And results are 
pretty impressive.
Remember, we have started with 140 secs for the full AQL and now we are 
down to 11 seconds (with sort/filter + skiplist on name) or 4 seconds (w/o 
soft/filter and 4 facets).

I think, we are satisfied for now :-) and hope this PR will make it to 

Also, would be awesome to see if AQL-pipeline will be advanced in the 
future to accomodate more analytical type of queries (facets with 
sub-facets, ElasticSearch style of sub-grouping, etc)

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