On Sat, 05 Nov 2011 17:47:16 +0000, Jeffrey Lee wibbled on for an age:

> Update of /cvsroot/arcem/arcem
> In directory vz-cvs-4.sog:/tmp/cvs-serv11622
> Modified Files:
>       Tag: arcem-fast
>       arminit.c hostfs.c 
> Log Message:
> HostFS fixes and improvements
> * arminit.c - Cope properly with the unlikely event of finding a SWI 
> instruction at 0x0 or 0x4
> * arch/filecommon.c - Fixed the new file caching code being broken when 
> reading/writing more data than will fit inside the file buffer (1MB)
> * hostfs.c, support_modules/hostfs/hostfs,ffa, support/hostfs/hostfs.s - 
> Improved error detection and reporting. Failsafe error of 
> HOSTFS_ERROR_UNKNOWN is used if we can't find a specific error to return.

Am I missing something, as I now get the attached error?


<<attachment: arcemerr.png>>

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