On Thursday 24 January 2013 20:50:50 Alexander Rødseth wrote:
> I'm willing to adopt the unneeded orphans from [extra] if they are
> moved to [community], except the perl-* packages.
> For the i18n and spelling packages it's probably best if someone using
> the respective languages adopts them, but I'm willing to adopt those
> as well.

Packages moved. See the following list:

Moved to [community]:
* avfs
* bmp-musepack
* bmp-wma
* bochs
* botan
* cdargs
* cx_freeze
* dcfldd
* devilspie
* emelfm2
* evilwm
* festival-voices
* fssos-nsvs
* gimp-dbp
* gimp-gap
* gimp-ufraw
* gmpc
* gtkpod
* hercules
* herqq
* isodate
* kradio
* kshutdown
* libmusicbrainz4
* mahjong
* misdnuser
* monica
* nicotine
* opendesktop-fonts
* oprofile
* pidgin-encryption
* proftpd
* pymad
* python-httplib2
* qiv
* ratpoison
* rox
* xdelta
* xdelta3
* zile

Moved to AUR:
* perl-event
* perl-file-tail
* perl-unicode-string

Thank you Alexander.

Arch Linux Developer

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