On Thu, Jan 24, 2013 at 10:08 AM, Andrea Scarpino <and...@archlinux.org> wrote:
> I renamed this thread to get it more visibility.
> Alexander did this list of orphans packages that can be moved to [community]:

We should only move packages to [community] if a TU is interested in
adopting them. Otherwise, we should move them to AUR (or keep them in
[extra]) as it will won't solve the problem of orphaned packages in
repo. So if a TU is interested in some of these packages, they should
let us know which one they wants.

> aspell-hu
> aspell-nl
> aspell-pt
> aspell-ru

i18n packages. Low maintenance. Should remain in repo [extra] or
[community] either as adopted or orphaned.

> fltk-docs
> fltk-games

Split package for fltk. Should remain in [extra].

> hunspell-hu
> hyphen-hu
> hyphen-it
> hyphen-nl

i18n packages. Low maintenance. Should remain in repo ([extra] or
[community]) either as adopted or orphaned.

> libofx-doc

Split package for libofx. Only required by [community] packages.
Should be moved to [community]

> mythes-hu
> mythes-it
> mythes-nl

i18n packages. Low maintenance. Should remain in repo [extra] or
[community] either as adopted or orphaned.

> xfce4-*

I beleive many users use xfce4 so we might want to keep the plugins in the repos

> Ronald can keep the *-nl packages. What about the others?
> Alexander can maintain some of them, then I'll move the orphans to [community]
> this Saturday/Sunday.
> --
> Andrea
> Arch Linux Developer

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