On 30 March 2014 20:39, Andrea Scarpino <and...@archlinux.org> wrote:
> On Sun 30, March 20:03:51 Guillaume Alaux wrote:
>> You might be talking about "icedtea-web" [0], the browser plugin that
>> enables some Java interpretation inside browsers? This is yet another
>> project provided by the IcedTea team.
> Indeed. Thank you for the clarification.
> Could you provide an openjdk8 package without IcedTea? Isn't necessary to put
> that in the repos, just to test what would be missing/broken.
> Cheers
> --
> Andrea
> Arch Linux Developer

Sure! I will need to finish it first of course and will let you know.
Should not be long. I do not expect much breakerage if any.

Also I asked on the IcedTea ML to get an idea of when they think this
release could happen.

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