On 2016-08-22 22:06, Sébastien Luttringer wrote:
> I understood you both feel ignored on IRC and you decided to post here to 
> catch
> my attention. We cleared that up. Mailing list is our primary way of
> communication, that's fine.
> «This week I'm going to rebuild dependent packages to disable Ceph support and
> then move Ceph itself to AUR».
> What would happen If I was in vacation, or for some reason was not able to
> answer to this mail in a so short deadline? Imagine my reaction when I came
> back to «work»? I'm an active developer since years now, and I never see a
> developer treat another else to remove packages he maintains (even with MIA
> developers).

What would happen if you actually said anything anywhere about why Ceph
is out of date for at least 9 months? What if you would remember to put
a notice that you're going to be busy or just quit bouncer so it's clear
you're not present, instead of leaving it up on a one third of channels
you were usually sitting on? What would happen if you were on vacation,
but sent a one sentence heads up on arch-dev or arch-dev-public?

I, for one, know the answer: nothing would happen. We would just wait.
And with regard to reason why you didn't ever see any actions towards
effectively unmaintained packages is that we never cared enough. But
from what I see here, you like that status quo.

> When I asked Bartlomiej if that behavior was inappropriate on IRC, I got a 
> yes.
> This is why I posted here after the IRC discussion and asked to never do that
> again.
> So, if you find removing others packages is an appropriate leverage for
> communicate, I need more explanation.

So is there actually anything we did not discuss here or on IRC already,
or you just want to keep it downhill from here? From my perspective, we
just waste the time stirring the pot. There are certainly better things
to do for both of us. (And besides, I did not say yes.)


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