On 09/28/16 at 03:37pm, Florian Pritz via arch-dev-public wrote:
> On 06.08.2016 10:18, Florian Pritz via arch-dev-public wrote:
> > [1] https://www.archlinux.org/devel/reports/long-out-of-date/
> We still have tons of packages on that list. Please check if the list
> includes any of your packages and either update or orphan them. You can
> also check the out of date list in the dashboard which only displays
> your packages.

So a bit late reply, one package is probably on the list which is
python-html5lib. Which can not be updated since it then breaks calibre.

I could make calibre use it's own forked html5lib to resolve the issue.
The new html5lib actually contains some code from the calibre fork

python-selenium is flagged since it broke Firefox, but no new stable has
been announced..

I'll look into updating hgsvn soon.
> I will look through the list in 2 weeks and start orphaning packages
> that do not have a reason for the holdup in the out of date message. If
> they are not adopted by someone else after that I will drop them to AUR.
> Florian

Jelle van der Waa

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