On 01/20/18 at 08:19pm, Christian Rebischke via arch-dev-public wrote:
> Hello Everybody,
> It's now over a half year ago that I've started working together with
> sangy and pierre on our vagrant and docker images. I would like to give
> you a short update on this topic.
> The Arch Linux Vagrant images are currently be build for libvirt and
> virtualbox. We have over 3800 downloads at the moment and slowly
> catching up to the community based arch linux vagrant images.[1]
> My first goal has been to add some hypervisors, but due to
> the fact that we have only libvirt and virtualbox in our repositories I
> have dismissed this plan.

Sounds good enough, this is also easier to manage.

> The automated build process works fine so far
> (except some issues with qemu[2] and the dependency on punctual iso
> releases on soyuz. The latter should we definitly fix. Currently the iso
> images are build manually. Can we automate this somehow? I really rely
> on punctual releases otherwise the automated build will fail and
> somebody needs to trigger the build again manually. Happened about 1-2
> times..)

I'm all for automatic builds, and the improvement where multiple people
know how the ISO's are build & released. How would we however sign these
builds? And is the bootstrap image also generated in the same manner?

> The other topic is the docker image. Has anybody of you contact to
> pierre? He doesn't answer my mails and he is the only one with access to
> the repository on github.

I or others can grant write access to the repository, see the owners on
the Github organization. I would however first want to ask pierres about
it since he irregurarly is on IRC.

Are these docker builds going to be automated as well btw? Oh and
testing images :-)
> Sangy/Santiago[3] was so nice to speak with the docker guys. They said
> they would approve our docker image and we could move it to the other
> official images[4]. But for this we need to do some changes on our
> docker repository on github. (As long I understood sangy correct it
> would be just some new branches).

This would be nice, how do we share the credentials to the docker login
though? Or can we make multiple people owners?

[1] https://github.com/orgs/archlinux/people

Jelle van der Waa

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