On 01/21/2018 02:39 PM, Christian Rebischke via arch-dev-public wrote:
> No idea about the bootstrap image. Is there a big difference between the
> bootstrap image and `pacstrap` in some random directory?

There is no difference, the bootstrap image is what you use to pacstrap.

The issue is merely that getting a pacman binary compiled for some other
linux distro (in case you wish to install Arch from within your
currently existing Linux distribution that isn't Arch) is not
necessarily easy, and in the event that it isn't, the bootstrap image
can be used instead as the bare minimum environment to enter a chroot
and run the Arch pacman package.

Well, and it is easy enough to pacstrap from, say, Gentoo, which I know
for a fact has a pacman ebuild for managing Arch installations from
Gentoo: https://packages.gentoo.org/packages/sys-apps/pacman

Eli Schwartz
Bug Wrangler and Trusted User

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