On Mon, Jan 29, 2018 at 03:09:16PM -0600, Public mailing list for Arch Linux 
development wrote:
> On Mon, 29 Jan 2018 22:00:28 +0100
> Christian Rebischke via arch-dev-public <arch-dev-public@archlinux.org> wrote:
> > Hello everybody,
> > I would like to start a discussion about Windows Subsystem Linux and
> > Arch linux. You all might know that Microsoft has increased their
> > participation in open source software a lot since Satya Nadella is CEO
> > of Microsoft.
> > 
> > They even implemented a subsystem on Windows 10 for executing natively
> > ELF binaries on Windows. This system is based on docker images and some
> > nice guys from Microsoft have asked Allan and me if Arch Linux would be
> > interested to participate in this project.
> > 
> > The steps for getting into the project are:
> > 
> > * Signup in the Microsoft Appstore (we would get a free voucher if we
> >   want to participate) as Organization (we need the ok from one of our
> >   trademark holders for this step)
> > * modifying our docker container a little bit
> > * pushing it into the microsoft appstore
> > 
> > So what do you think? Should we participate in that project?
> > 
> > Here are some pros and contras:
> > 
> > pro:
> >     - CentOS and Ubuntu are there too
> >     - Would be a nice chance to increase the awareness about Arch Linux
> >     - might get people to change from Windows to Arch Linux (or linux in
> >       general)
> >     - Nice way to test our docker image in production
> >     - People who are forced to work on windows at work can use Arch
> >       Linux at work as well
> >     - More bugreports / feedback / forum activity?
> > 
> > contras:
> >     - Microsoft is Microsoft (I think I don't need to explain)
> >     - More Newbies?
> >     - Somebody would need to maintain it (I would do it)
> >     - If Arch Linux partnerships with Microsoft could lead into bad image?
> > 
> > 
> > I would like to hear as much feedback as possible. So don't be shy :)
> > I want to give feedback to the microsoft guys in round about 1 week.
> > I guess that should be enough to dicuss this topic.
> > 
> > So deadline is 2018-02-7
> > 
> > 
> > -- Chris
> This has come up before, my personal preference is that if you want Arch is
> WSL, go ahead and install Arch in WSL. It's not difficult by just using the
> bootstrap image. IMO, this would be similar to us supporting Manjaro, 
> Antergos,
> or any other automatic, pre-configured and setup system.

The difference would be "it's official". There are Arch Linux WSL
containers at the moment btw:


But it's nothing official.

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