On Mon, Jan 29, 2018 at 10:00:28PM +0100, Christian Rebischke via 
arch-dev-public wrote:
> * Signup in the Microsoft Appstore (we would get a free voucher if we
>   want to participate) as Organization (we need the ok from one of our
>   trademark holders for this step)


"""You grant Microsoft, its agents, contractors, licensees, marketing partners,
and Affiliates the right to use, reproduce, display, publicly perform and
publish your entity name, App or portion of your App, In-App Product, and the
App Assets for each App, [...] (iii) in any marketing, presentations,
demonstrations, trade shows, industry events, and press releases, for the App,
In-App Product, Windows, Windows Phone, Xbox hardware and accessories, Xbox Live
Services, Xbox.com and other Windows, Windows Phone and/or Xbox-related websites
and each of their successor platforms, and/or any other Microsoft websites,
products and services related to the Store and/or Apps..."""

So how many people would be comfortable with Arch Linux appearing on the screen
next time Satya Nadella proclaims "Microsoft loves Open Source"? I won't.

>     - CentOS and Ubuntu are there too

I don't really see how this helps anything. Both companies have mony to deal
with issues and getting people to work on the support. We don't.

Morten Linderud


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