On Mon, 14 Aug 2017 14:03:45 +0200, mpan wrote:
>> why does a package from official repositories mentions what version
>> of a dependency is required?   
>Because it may be that it is working only with that particular

That doesn't explain why it is needed or in any way useful for a package
provided by official Arch repositories? Partial upgrades are
unsupported [1]. Actually it could be vary annoying, if packages now
start including the version of a dependency. I didn't notice that
packages mention dependency versions for at least the last 4 years [2].
It's not the only dummy package I'm using for at least that long. 


[rocketmouse@archlinux ~]$ pacman -Qi pulseaudio | grep D | grep -v al
Description     : Dummy package
Depends On      : None
Build Date      : Sun 18 Aug 2013 06:06:40 PM CEST

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