
Thanks Malaka. By considering all the suggestions, please find the final
methods list: 

*listProjects* - retrieve all projects 
*getProject*     -retrieve a project 
*createProject* -       create a project 

*listPeople* - returns all people on the account 

*grantAccess* - grant access to the project for the existing ids of people
already on the account or new people via email_addresses. 

*listTopics* - retrieves topics for this project. Returns 50 topics per page 

*createMessage* - creates a new message from the parameters passed 
*getMessage*         -retrieve a messages 

*createComment* - create a new comment from the parameters passed 

*Todo Lists *
*listTodoLists* - retrieves todo lists that are
active/completed/project-specific/all projects depending on the endpoint 
*listTodoListsAssignedTodos* - return all the todolists with todos assigned
to the specified person. 

*getTodo* - return the specified todo 
*createTodo* - add a new todo to the specified todolist from the parameters

*createAttachment* - POST /attachments.json uploads a file. The request body
should be the binary data of the attachment. Make sure to set the
Content-Type and Content-Length headers. Once the upload is successful,
you'll get a 200 OK response, and we'll give you a token back that you'll
need to save locally to attach the file. 
*listAttachments*         -shows attachments for this project/(* depending
on end point) with file metadata, urls, and associated attachables (Uploads,
Messages, or Comments) with a 200 OK response 

*createUploads* -create a new entry in the "Files" section on the given
project, with the given attachment token. Attaching files requires both the
token and the name of the attachment 
*getUpload* - show the content, comments, and attachments for this upload 

*Calendar Events:* 
*listCalendarEvents* - return upcoming/past calendar events for the
project/calendar depending on the endpoint 
*getCalendarEvent* - return the specified calendar event 
*createCalendarEvent* - create a new calendar event for a project 

*listGlobalEvents* -retrieves all global events, 50 events per page 

*starProject* - stars the project. 
*listStars*     lists stars on active projects. 

Thanks & Regards

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