
This feature is initially discussed in mail thread [1] and you can find the
github issue in [2].

I have changed the configurations as follows.

  enabled: true
  implClass: org.wso2.carbon.apimgt.core.impl.KubernetesGatewayImpl
    masterUrl: ''
    namespace: wso2
    apiCoreURL: https://localhost:9443
    brokerHost: https://localhost:5672
    cmsType: Kubernetes
    saTokenFileName: 'satoken.txt'

You can run API Manager externally as well as inside a pod in Kubernetes.
In Kubernetes, you need to create a service account and provide the token
for APIM. This is only needed when you are running externally.
Additionally, the certificate of the Kubernetes cluster has to be added to
the client-truststore of APIM.

This is written in an extensible way to support other container management
systems. You can write your own implementation and provide the class name
and required configuration values.

We are generating yaml files for Service, Deployment, and Ingress to be
deployed in Kubernetes. For Openshift, Route resource is generated instead
of Ingress resource.

[1] - [C5] [APIM] Per API Per Gateway with Kubernetes and Openshift
[2] - https://github.com/wso2/product-apim/issues/1831

Thank you!
*Pubudu Gunatilaka*
Committer and PMC Member - Apache Stratos
Senior Software Engineer
WSO2, Inc.: http://wso2.com
mobile : +94774078049 <%2B94772207163>
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