On 20/02/2008, at 6:33 PM, nicolas de loof wrote:

What about a Combined Plexus context, where the lookup method both search in
the plexus components and the springFactory ?

This would make initialization more complex, but we could use @
plexus.requirement as is to get spring beans without having to know they are
managed by spring.

If we think we have a long term requirement for this, then that makes a lot of sense - and in fact Carlos did something similar for Continuum with an acegi experiment once I believe.

OTOH - since Archiva is a standalone app it would be best to be consistent across it since we have that freedom. And actually, because of the built-in support in webwork and struts2 for spring IOC, the web layer is the easiest to change if everything else is already migrated, so there'll be no need for the app itself to primarily be a Plexus run app (though it might still have some plexus components we'll want to pick up).


Brett Porter

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