Dear ArchivesSpace members,

In their recommendations delivered at the end of December, the Staff Interface 
Enhancement Working Group suggested retaining the services of a professional 
user experience or design firm to provide additional guidance on the visual 
layout of the staff interface. I'm pleased to announce that Cherry Hill 
Company, who worked on the design phase of the public interface project, will 
be working with us to provide a set of wireframes and a design guide for 
optimal usability and accessibility of the staff interface. They will be using 
the recommendations of the group to guide this process, and there will also be 
opportunities for members to provide feedback at several points along the way. 
We are aiming to have the final wireframes and design guide delivered by the 
end of June 2018.

I should note that this project is focused on the layout and appearance of the 
interface, with usability and accessibility as the chief considerations. There 
are other projects that focus on adding and/or improving functionality in the 
interface, some of which we anticipate may commence before the visual layout 
project is complete.

If you have any questions, or if you know now that you would like to 
participate in the feedback process, please get in touch. Thanks especially to 
the Staff Interface Enhancement Working Group for identifying this as a need, 
and to all of you that participated in that process.


Christine Di Bella
ArchivesSpace Program Manager<>
800.999.8558 x2905
cdibella13 (Skype)


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