On 17 Jul 2017, at 2:53 PM, hostmas...@uneedus.com wrote:
> Just a couple of questions regarding the carrots and the sticks for the ARIN 
> staff:
> Other than those who came back to change their initial /35 to a /32, how many 
> ARIN customers have come back for another allocation of IPv6 space because 
> they used the first one to the extent the rules require, which I think is 75% 
> of /48 block assignments.
> And, how many customers have received a first allocation of IPv6?
> Divide, and I can find out what percentage came back for more.
> What I would like to know is my gut feeling correct, which is that after 
> receiving an allocation of IPv6, nearly nobody ever returns to the well for 
> more, or at least not like it was back in the IPv4 days when ARIN had IPv4 
> address space to allocate, and thus there are no sticks?
> Another bit of info I would like to know if possible:  what percentage of 
> customers with a v6 allocation has actually put any of their assignments into 
> SWIP?  Since the current policy for SWIP in IPv6 is /64 or more, every 
> allocation should be there.
> The answers are useful to determine as far as the documenting the assignment 
> for ARIN, how useful SWIP is for that purpose.

Albert - 

As requested –

As far as ARIN staff can ascertain, no ISP/LIR has yet qualified for an 
additional allocation 
based on having used enough of their existing allocation to qualify for more.   
There have 
been some additional allocations under other circumstance, e.g. 
-          Multiple Discrete Networks (I have a /32, I’m opening a second 
autonomous site, I need more)
-          “Do-over” (I got a /32, I did my addressing plan, I now realize I 
need a /28)
-          Downstream ISP customers (I have a /32, I have a downstream ISP 
           therefore I need additional space so I can assign them a /32)
Regarding reassignments:  there are 3,346 IPv6 direct allocations. Of those, 
283 (8.5%) have one 
or more reassignments.  For comparison, there are 20,217 IPv4 direct 
allocations. Of those, 10,230 
(50.7%) have one or more reassignments.

May you find this information useful in your policy development efforts!

John Curran
President and CEO

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