On Thu, Dec 19, 2019 at 09:04:20PM +0000, Michel Py wrote:
> It displeases the operators who have been using DoD space as Industry 
> Standard Squat Space.
Since this list is archived and referenced, rather than 
let that sit in silence, personally I have to note 
- there is no such thing as "industry standard squat space".
- any person who decides to deploy numbering outside the 
  mutually-agreed registry system (squat on space) signs up 
  their organization for future headaches.

I had thought I drew attention to this presentation from Austin 
NANOG, but that was on the nanog list. Fun fact - the USG considers 
squatting on their space theft of service! And they'd love to hear
from folks when it is encountered.

Unfortunately the presentation wasn't
recorded, but take a gander at slide 4 of

....and useful contacts are on slide 11 and 18.

IMO, not speaking on behalf of any other person or organization,
etc etc.



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Joe Provo / Gweep / Earthling 
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